The Last few years the damage from the sun and heat has been remarkable.
With water restrictions in place it seems that our landscapes are doomed.
They can be saved and even thrive with wise adjustments and a little luck.
Plant Material is resilient. But you have to be on top of things. Catch changes early on and adjust accordingly.
Water is central and must be monitored. looking for adequate placements of proper emitters and correct timing of irrigation sessions will help alot.
I have 50 foot Pine trees grown on drip irrigation in the desert. It can be done!!
Take a look at the size of your tree in Circumference. DBH Diameter Breast Height.
The Larger the Diameter of the tree the more water it will need. Common Sense Right.
Not Always. Different Trees require different watering amounts and even timings. Different soil types also require varied needs.
On an established tree it should have a minimum of 4 emitters 2 GPH 2 gallons per hour placed 2 feet away from the trunk. Ideally a 2 loop Tube emitter with 8 -12 inch spcing is my preferance. I Like Netafim and RainBird.
Try this out. - 2 gallons of water in a bucket. Pour it at the emitter site. How long does it take for the water to soak in. This is called percolation time. do it again and repeat until the water stays puddled for 60 seconds or more. the 2 gallons represents the amount of water in 1 hour coming out of the emitter. The saturation represents each hour that zone should run to adequately water the plants and trees. If your puddle stays visible for over 60 seconds on the 1st pour then less than 1 hour is necessary. Mixed Landscapes are a challenge due to varied needs. This can be resolved by different sized emitters and quantities.
Plants will stress in this climate. Some more than others. Be Mindful dont be Freaked out. Now that you have mastered irrigation focus on nutritional needs.
Plants and trees are a big investment in Time Eneregy and money. A small investment can protect that investment.
Different aspects of the plants needs get adressed at different times of the year is the best regimen I have found. As in nature leaf Litter, Animal activity, water travel all offer different sources of nutrition. We simulate that in our applications.
Disease and insects are out there and as neighboring Landscapes are stressed it puts your at risk also. We add Control products In a sensible respectful manner in our Integrated applications.
Your best efforts are visiting your Landscapes and observe. Take pictures and protect them. Times are different than just 10 years ago as far as climate is concerened. This has affected our Landscapes throughout the world and especially in the southwest.
Text Me if you need some help. 702-461-6873 Charley